Bushfire Management Plan for Bilgola Newport Escarpment Reserves
Pittwater Council
A conservation sensitive Bushfire Management Plan was prepared for Pittwater Council for the reserves of Bilgola Newport Escarpment.
This project involved assessing the bushfire hazards and risk on reserve and to the numerous private landholders surrounding the reserves.
The objective was to devise management strategies and a regime to manage both the environmental assets of the reserves in combination with the protection of life and property.
This was a complex task given the quantity of surrounding residences, most with little bushfire protection, and a number of environmental factors affecting traditional bushfire management including geotechnical risks, high slope, threatened species, Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs), rainforest vegetation, weed invasion and ecological restoration.
Management principles and strategies were proposed for implementation by Pittwater Council. This involved consultation with the Council, the NSW Rural Fire Service and the community. A public meeting was held where our project team presented the draft Bushfire Management Plan, outlined its preparation and use, and answered questions from the community.