Karyn McLeod
Principal Consultant and Archaeology and Heritage Lead
(02) 9259 3728 karynm@ecoaus.com.auELA prepared historical archaeological assessment and formulation of archaeological management policy for a large, State heritage listed property and preparation of multiple S60 applications to the Heritage Council for bulk earthworks, adaptive reuse of heritage listed buildings and archaeological excavation.
Additional works have included the preparation of an inventory of site structures, their condition and their contribution to the overall heritage significance of Clydesdale Estate as well as heritage management policy and induction protocol for all site workers.
ELA has provided heritage advice to the client regarding site clean-up, contamination testing, installation of infrastructure for future site development and bulk earthworks and heritage advice regarding future restoration and excavation works is ongoing.
Principal Consultant and Archaeology and Heritage Lead
(02) 9259 3728 karynm@ecoaus.com.au