Andrew Walsh
Regional Operations Manager NSW/ACT/QLD, Acting Operations Manager (Brisbane) & Principal Consultant, NRM
02 6691 7306 Andrew.Walsh@ecoaus.com.auWe were commissioned by the Department of Defence (Defence Support Southern NSW Riverina Murray Valley) to estimate and compare kangaroo densities and kangaroo populations on the eastern and western sides of Kapooka Military Area.
Counts of kangaroos were conducted along nine east-west running transects, split by the north-south running ridgeline through the military area. Transects were determined prior to field survey and were designed to sample different habitat types including woodland, open areas and manicured areas.
Kangaroo densities were calculated using the program Distance 6.0. Comparisons of kangaroo density estimates with previous estimates revealed that there had been a marked increase in the number of kangaroos at the base since previous surveys.
The results of the work have informed a Landscape Management Plan, assessment of grazing effects in the landscape, vegetation monitoring and the effectiveness of exclusion fencing on the site.
Regional Operations Manager NSW/ACT/QLD, Acting Operations Manager (Brisbane) & Principal Consultant, NRM
02 6691 7306 Andrew.Walsh@ecoaus.com.au