Meet the Experts - Jemima Kenworthy

Friday, 19 July, 2024

Jemima Kenworthy

In this latest Meet the Experts, we explore the journey of Jemima Kenworthy, who turned her passion for geography into a thriving career as one of our Environmental Approvals consultants. Discover how Jemima leverages her impressive project management abilities, tree-tastic skills, and deep-rooted interests to make a positive impact on our clients and the environment.

1. How do you explain what you do for work at parties?

I’m an Environmental Approvals Consultant – I work with clients and a variety of different stakeholders (including Government Authorities) to assist in the preparation of large-scale approvals documentation for Mining Projects, mostly in South Australia. I also work on some smaller-scale projects in NSW and SA, with a focus in Arboriculture and Ecology.

2. Why did you choose to work in the environmental space?

I somewhat ‘fell’ into the environmental space. I loved geography growing up, and straight of out high school started studying a degree in education, majoring in geography. I decided pretty early on that teaching wasn’t for me but loved my major, so I leaned into it and ended up studying a degree in Environmental Management, majoring in Earth Science at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) – and I fell in love with it. 

I was lucky enough to gain a role with ELA straight out of university and the rest is history!

3. What do you love most about what you do?

My favourite thing, and the thing that keeps me going is the constant learning opportunities. I’ve been in the industry for a couple of years, and not one day have I gone without learning something new – whether it be a new piece of information on a Project, a new piece of legislation, a new term or even a fun fact… I am grateful to be in a space where I have the opportunity to be constantly evolving. I really do thrive on continued education.

I also really love working with a range of different clients and getting to work through complex environmental issues… there is a lot to love!

4. What achievement are you most proud of?

I’d say I’m most proud of my Project Management skills which have growth exponentially since my commencement with ELA. In my time in NSW, I managed almost 100 projects ranging in size, all within the Post Approvals space working on pre-clearance surveys, clearance supervision, dam dewatering plans and aquatic fauna relocation, nest box installation and monitoring plans, construction management plans, project arborist works, arboricultural reporting and subcontractor management. It was one hell of a role, but I’m proud to have built the small post-approval sector in NSW to what it currently is and proud to have handed it over to the team who currently manages the works! 

I continue to work on my Project management skills in my role in Adelaide.

Meet The Experts Kenworthy Eucalyptus Pyriformis

Eucalyptus pyriformis (Pear-fruited Mallee) fruit, taken from a recent visit to Currency Creek Arboretum, SA. 

5. How do you make a difference in your role with ELA?

In my role as Environmental Approvals Consultant, I aim to bring my experience, strong Project Management skills and eye for detail to projects to assist Clients in achieving the best possible outcome logistically, whilst always ensuring the environment (especially fauna and flora) is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. With a strong background in post-approval work and construction, I try to ensure that environmental mitigation measures are implemented wherever possible and practicable in the context of the Project.

 Culturally, I always aim to make a difference in the office and wider throughout the company. Whether it be organising office social events, or simply connecting with people from other offices, I believe fostering a friendly and welcoming culture is a key part of Eco Logical Australia and what we do.

6. To share your genius, what’s your one top tip for clients working on Approvals projects?

Get. in. early. No matter how early you are in your Project, whether you’re scoping or looking at a certain piece of land, contact us as soon as possible. 

Our approvals team can review the information you have available at the time (which is often very little) against legislative (State and Federal) requirements to determine what you already have covered, and where you will need to focus your energy, based on the location and conditions of the site! I can’t recommend starting the environmental approvals process early enough. Even if it’s just a chat, to know who to call on when you’re ready!

7. What do you love about science?

I love how broad science is, and yet how each person I come across in this world has one thing they’re super interested in, or extremely knowledgeable about! From trees, to frogs, birds, water, approvals, to GIS analysis… we’re all connected by our love and interest in science.

8. What's the most interesting project you've ever worked on?

Between NSW and SA, there have been a few interesting projects, varying massively in size and scope. I’d have to say the one that sticks in my mind is the Barton Park Precinct project in Banksia, NSW for Ford Civil. This project started in late 2022, and comprised of ecology, land management (restoration), arboriculture, planning and heritage works through construction and ongoing monitoring works. The key point of interest on this site was the presence of Green and Golden Bell Frogs (Litoria aurea) in the adjacent Landing Lights Wetland. 

As Project Manager, I oversaw and assisted with the preparation of construction planning documentation and induction documents for site workers as well as pre-clearance surveys, Green and Golden Bell Frog baseline surveys and frog fencing certification inspections. The team and I faced many hurdles with this Project (and many late nights) but worked through each to get it to the monitoring stage. Monitoring works for this Project have been continuous and following my move to the Adelaide office, are being managed by the NSW Post Approvals team. 

Meet The Experts Kenworthy Ganoderma Resinaceum

A large Ganoderma resinaceum (Red Reishi) bracket fungi found on a large over-mature Ficus benjamina (Weeping Fig) during a recent trip in Fullarton, SA. 

9. An interesting or fun fact your team or your clients might not know about you?

I’m currently in my first year of studying a Diploma of Arboriculture through TAFE SA. From my start at ELA a few years ago, I happened to work on a few Arboricultural projects, and my love for trees (especially legislative control of trees) grew from there. In 2024, I decided to delve into my passion for arboriculture, and go back to studying (which has been a big adjustment!). 

So, if you get an out of office response from me… please don’t stress! I’m just out hugging trees (as the Adelaide team say!).

10. What do you nerd out over?

I nerd out over trees, and how incredibly responsive they are to their surrounding environment and changes in their environment, often imposed by anthropogenic alterations. When a tree is injured (trunk damage from mechanical damage for example), it triggers a compartmentalised defence system (with four ‘walls’ or barriers of defence on several plains) that attempts to seal damaged wood, to prevent virulent pathogens (i.e., opportunistic wood decay fungi) from entering and further damaging the tree. I am always stunned at how fascinating trees are. They’re also incredibly beautiful which doesn’t hurt!

I’m also extremely intrigued by pathogens such as Phythophthora cinnamomi (Cinnamon fungus) and wood-decaying fungi and the destruction they can cause.