Rehabilitating mined land to see nature return
Friday, 23 April, 2021
Find out how former open cut mining land at the Ulan Coal Mine in the Mudgee region of NSW has been successfully rehabilitated. Monitoring of the rehabilitated land at Ulan has demonstrated the return of flora and fauna to the 50 hectare site, including numerous threatened species. This project is a great demonstration of how mining companies can effectively meet their rehabilitation obligations by returning land to an agreed self-sustaining land use after mining has been completed.
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Protecting the precious Green and Golden Bell Frog
Monday, 22 February, 2021
Tucked away in the industrial area of Newcastle is Kooragang Island with a sizeable colony of Green & Golden Bell Frogs. The Green and Golden Bell Frog is endangered within NSW and strangely often exist in highly disturbed habitats. This species was once extremely common, however has declined by 90% in its range in the last 30 years, mainly due to ‘Chytridiomycosis Disease’, caused by the chytrid fungus.
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Achieving a global standard of Occupational Health and Safety
Monday, 21 December, 2020
With the success of our recent certification, we’re looking forward to 2021 and applying an international standard of Occupational Health and Safety across all of our projects.
After a rigorous and thorough evaluation by an external auditor, we have successfully transitioned certification of our Integrated Business Management System to ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (replacing AS/NZS 4801).
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The endangered Acacia meiantha rescue
Friday, 18 December, 2020
The opportunity to translocate an endangered species which is at threat of being destroyed to a safe location, is any Ecologist’s dream. Especially when this also gives them the chance to increase knowledge of the species.
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The way of the future: using sounds to monitor landscapes.
Friday, 11 December, 2020
Imagine yourself standing on a beach. Close your eyes. What do you hear?
We don’t need to see to understand our location, what we hear can tell us about our environment. The sound of the ocean can tell us if it is a calm day or whether the surf is good; we can identify which species of birds are present on the beach or in the adjacent vegetation by their voices, wing beats and footwork. The sound of the wind passing through the vegetation can indicate whether there are casuarinas or coconut palms fringing the beach; and voices, panting and barking can indicate if there are people exercising their dogs or families playing nearby.
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Wasps vs aircraft - who wins?
Thursday, 26 November, 2020
In a team effort to mitigate risk, Brisbane Airport Corporation brought in Ecosure and Eco Logical Australia (ELA) when a South American mud wasp chose to nest in a very sensitive area of an aeroplane. Read Principal Ecologist, Dr Alan House’s research on the project that has recently been published.
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Meet the experts – Read about Alan’s passion for the imprecise nature of ecology
Thursday, 22 October, 2020
Alan loves the imprecise nature of ecology and has used his skills to mentor no fewer than 11 PhD students. Find out why he loves ‘The Man with Two Brains’ and how he spent two years on a remote island studying primates and basking sharks in Scotland!
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A rare, brown orchid without chlorophyll – hear all about this fascinating new species.
Monday, 7 September, 2020
A new species discovery is always a highlight for any botanist. Nearly two years since Dr. Lachlan Copeland’s discovery of a new orchid in his very own backyard, he has revealed, among other things, that it lacks chlorophyll and doesn’t photosynthesise.
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Helping raise awareness of Aboriginal history
Wednesday, 2 September, 2020
Archaeology is about finding the missing pieces from moments in history that will help tell a clearer story now and into the future. There are lots of rewarding discoveries in the job, however for Tyler Beebe, our Senior Archaeologist based out of our Newcastle office, working with the Aboriginal community and helping to raise awareness of their culture is the best part.
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Understanding predator-prey interactions of functionally extinct frogs
Monday, 29 June, 2020
Griffin Taylor Dalton, an ecologist from our Sutherland office, was recently part of a research paper on the Southern Corroboree frog and predator-prey relationships.
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