Spring Ready...? Why You Need To Think About Spring Now
Tuesday, 3 July, 2018
With July here and August fast-approaching, spring is around the corner. Spring provides the main flowering period and best botanical information available for many species, including hard to detect species such as orchids. Late spring is also an ideal period for detectability of many fauna species. Spring surveys are often required for sites where vegetation is proposed to be cleared, in order to satisfy regulatory requirements.
At Eco Logical Australia, we aim to provide our clients with the highest standard of advice, survey and reporting to meet the needs of your project to ensure commencement without delay. Our team of botanists and ecologists are highly experienced in preparing flora, vegetation and fauna assessments, with a sound understanding of current legislation, relevant survey guidelines and environmental approvals processes.
Some of the spring services we offer at Eco Logical Australia include:
- Detailed flora, vegetation and fauna survey and assessment;
- Targeted surveys to assess the presence / absence of conservation significant species;
- Rehabilitation monitoring and assessment;
- Weed survey and mapping; and
- Vegetation condition mapping and assessment