Dr. Richard Cresswell
Senior Principal Hydrogeologist & Water Lead
(02) 9259 3746 richardc@ecoaus.com.auWe have a strong groundwater and surface water capability and provide a complete range of services to industry, government and water authorities.
Our team tackles diverse and complex problems relating to groundwater and surface water impact assessment and planning, aquifer-surface water interactions, climate change implications, and water contamination. We have successfully conducted projects in all states and territories of Australia, with considerable experience in the Murray-Darling Basin, South Australia, Hunter Valley, Great Artesian Basin, and northern Australia, and provide technically sound, cost-effective and sustainable solutions to a wide range of groundwater and surface water challenges.
We specialise in providing strategic and ‘whole of catchment’ advice, which integrates environmental water requirements and water quantity and quality issues within the framework of strategic and policy regulations that guide water resource management.
Our team is supported by a range of operational services (such as experienced spatial analysts), staff working in related technical disciplines, and strategic links with research and development organisations.
We provide a comprehensive suite of groundwater and surface water services, including:
Senior Principal Hydrogeologist & Water Lead
(02) 9259 3746 richardc@ecoaus.com.auNational Discipline Lead - Water & Principal Hydrogeologist
(08) 8235 4110 garrys@ecoaus.com.auRous Water
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